Solar tracking systems can be classified by the type of their movement.

12 Mar , 2021

Solar tracking systems can be classified by the type of their movement. These tracking systems have the PV panel that can be rotated/tilted around axes to derive a proper angle that can help them collect the maximum solar energy. When movement or adjustment of the PV panel operated by rotating around one axis, it is called single-axis tracker. When the panel rotate around two axes simultaneously, it is called dual-axis tracker.

Advantages of Single-Axis Solar Tracker:

Single-axis trackers usually move from the east to the west and follow the Sun’s direction.

Single axis trackers are cheap, very simple in installation and run at low cost.

They are more reliable than dual-axis trackers.

Single axis has higher lifespan than dual-axis trackers.

Single-axis trackers suit companies that want a low cost option

Single axis trackers also suitable for areas with less sunlight.

Single axis tracker has a better efficiency related to a solar panel in fixed form. The effectiveness of single axis solar tracker over fixed solar tracking mount panel is 32.17%.